Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Seans gone.. and thus begins my Summer

Sean called me this morning around 10:30 (while I was at work) and let me know that their crew had left for a fire... He has only had one other "fire" so far this season and it was an overnighter at Camp Pen. This one however, is in Northern California and he won't be back for a while.. maybe a week... maybe more...

I know I have to get used to this for the next 5 months.. but this is the first one.. so I am sad.. I know that i will get used to it.. and I also know some times will be easier than others.. I hope this will be one of the easier times.. I had a really rough day and then even rougher night last night and due to the fact that he had to be at the camp at 6:30 this morning he couldn't spend some time comforting me and making me feel loved and joyful again ... so that makes this fire a little harder...

But I have a God that can give me all the comfort in the world and that is enough for me.. and if I don't feel like that now.. then I will pray more.. until I do.. God is good and faithful.


Nyla said...

Oh Suzy! I am sorry you are missing Sean! How wonderful that you have someone to miss!

I hope you are feeling better! I always like to go spend some money at the mall or starbucks to give myself a little lift! Oh, wait, don't go to may make you more down if you spill your drink! :) Hee hee

Rachel said...

love you girl... lets do lunch... maybe friday?